Oblumi Tapp to the rescue!

Oblumi Tapp

Oblumi Tapp - Digital smart thermometer - Being a working mother can be tough at the best of times, juggling working full time with a toddler and running a home can be difficult, but being a working mother and starting a new career can be even tougher!

Picture this….you are settling into your new job after a week or two and trying to prove you were the best person for the job when, bang your little bundle of joy wakes you screaming at 2am. You rush into your child’s bedroom to be greeted with every parent’s nightmare…..vomit! After a bed change, clothes change and a nurse you go back to bed, but repeat this process several times during the night. Tossing and turning all night because you cannot call into work asking for parental leave in your first month!

The next morning you cross your fingers and toes and drop your little sick person to the childminder in a hope that it is a 24 hour bug. You are sitting at your desk, when your mobile comes alive and the childminder is texting and calling for you to come and collect your cranky, sick little child.

Panic strikes, so you explain the situation to your employer, who is very understanding and you drive with a heavy heart to recuse your childminder from the vomit that you endured the night before.So after three days of constant vomiting and several trips to the out of hours GP, my once bouncing baby is lifeless and weak and my heart is breaking, as I feel so helpless. In a desperate bid to help my child I call the GP again, who asks me to take my child’s temperature. I frantically look for the thermometer (I have three) and I take my child’s temperature, 34 degrees……is that possible, so I took it again with another thermometer, 43 degrees….no way…. so I take it with the last thermometer, 35 degrees. With a panic in my voice, I explained to the GP that the readings are all different and he told me to use the digital thermometer that is placed in your child’s ear (the bulky expensive kind) so I do this again and it’s still 34 degrees. I know we live in Ireland, but my child does not have hyperthermia!The thermometer, all three are not working correctly, when I need them the most. The GP asks to see my child again, so I go to the surgery and his thermometer presents a temperature of 38.9 degrees.  He advises that I get a thermometer that works, making me feel like a worse mother, because I already had to google – ‘normal temperature in toddlers’, he sends us away with an antibiotic and pain medicine and I promise to get a new thermometer.

I decided to get something different from the thermometers that clearly did not work very well, opting for the new Oblumi Tapp, a smart thermometer that uses an app and plugs into your phone, with fingers and toes crossed again, I headed home to nurse my sick little child.

When I got home, I download the app and registered my new Oblumi Thermometer, this was easy with an email verification, and I plugged the little probe into my phone. There were videos to show you how to use it correctly, but it’s really straight forward. There are two modes – you can use it on the child’s forehead or in the child’s ear. My child does not like me sticking things in her ears, so I opted to use the forehead mode, it was great having the dual option. My child did not even notice me holding the probe to her head thankfully and my phone beeped within seconds with the temperature 37.3 degrees, I beamed with delight! It was easy to use, accurate and it even records the child’s temperature storing the information on my phone and I could create a profile for the whole family, allowing me to track the medication I had given my child, amazing!

My child declined further and was admitted to hospital, later that day as her temperature on the Oblumi Tapp was reading at 39 degrees and the vomiting continued.  The doctors where asking me all kinds of questions including what time she had medications and what time her temperature peaked, in confusion and the last four days mincing into one big blur, I advised I didn’t know, until I remembered the Oblumi Tapp App on my phone had stored all this information. I showed the Doctor in the hospital who was quite impressed and then I didn’t feel like such a bad mother! Obluni Tapp to the rescue….it has earned a place in my medicine cupboard!

The Oblumi Tapp can be purchased here.


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