Dads, The Unsung Heroes of the Parenting World
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Dads the unsung heroes of the parenting world
The internet has been set alight by mothers! Mothers make the world go around... well your little persons world at least! But in recent years, with the rise of the ‘mum’ influencer highlighting the mother’s world and lifestyle, dear old dad has taken the backseat. Much like the BubbleBum Booster Seat, Dad is strong, safe and dependable! (How’s that for a shameless plug?!)
This Fathers Day I want to pay tribute to the Dads of this world, who’s silent actions mould the little minds of the future and support the mammas through the trials and tribulations of parenthood.
The Dad in his own right is just as important to mama and he experiences parenting just like mums.
I recently read a blog post on - an open letter to him by Jessica O’Neill and this post actually made me tear up; the truthful presentation of motherhood and the relationship between parents was so real. It highlighted how Fathers are sometimes under appreciated but never unloved.
I myself am guilty of not fully appreciating my darling husband who works just as hard as me if not harder to give our girls a happy, fun, fulfilled life with everything they need. We are a working household with both parents working full-time, we are definitely a 21st century family. We share the household responsibilities, but some nights when the babies are in bed and the chores have been done, I am ready to soak into a bath but then I find my husband in the painting in the garden, cutting the grass, or even ironing late into the night. I’m so exhausted that I sometimes forget to say a simple ‘thank you’.

I think modern mothers are a little guilty of not understanding that when we became mothers to these little humans, at the same time our husbands, partners and boyfriends also transformed into Fathers. These fathers are also responsible for these little people and love them just as much as we do. We should also remember that they don’t have a clue what they are doing! We shouldn't be hard on them if they don't get it 100% right all of the time. We should remember that they too are tired from midnight feeds and early morning rises. After a long day at work, they don’t really want to iron uniforms at 10 pm either but they do it and in most cases they do it quietly (but listening to gangster rap lol )
Sometimes a mum just needs to take a little time, pause and appreciate the amazing men in her life. When I see my husband trying to relax on the sofa with a three year old jumping on his stomach like a trampoline, while he is laughing and tickling her, I beam with pride knowing that this exhausted hard working man who just wants ten minutes peace to lay on the sofa is the best Daddy!
Most Daddys spend hours in the car waiting outside after school activities, they cut the grass, they are the men who nurse a crying child when mum is ready to cry herself, they paint the house even when they are ready to drop, and get up to go to the gym at 5am so they are home to help in the evening. These men are our men and are the unsung heroes of the parenting world!
Tag a Daddy and let him know how much you appreciate him!
For the best price on a BubbleBum travel car booster seat, click here to visit our amazon listing.